Join us this Good Friday as we consider the sacrifice and death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. You can access the video or audio on our Sermon Audio page, or you can go directly to the video via the link below. The short meditation includes a time of communion together. In preparation for that, I would encourage you to have some bread and grape juice (or an available alternative) ready. I would also encourage you to take the time beforehand to read the account of Jesus’ betrayal and death in the passages below and consider it as you listen to the worship songs in the links.
Last Supper: Luke 22:14-23
Gethsemane/Betrayal: Luke 22:39-53
Crucifixion and Death: Luke 23:26-49
(If you would like, you can read the full account in all of Luke 22 and 23)
The Same Love (Paul Baloche)
Calvary (Hillsong)
The Wonderful Cross (Chris Tomlin/Matt Redman)