Dave Mleziva shares about the grace and truth revealed in God’s Word.
Pastor Kevin brings his series on The Church to a close with a practical consideration of church discipline and the importance of maintaining the moral integrity of the local body. As the body of Christ, called to purity and holiness, the church must take action against unrepentant sin in its midst.
Pastor Kevin looks at the role of spiritual leadership in the local church. God intends for the local body to be led by spiritual leaders who model their faith and care for the flock.
Pastor Kevin looks at a fifty critical value for the local church: To Seek God in Prayer. Our effectiveness as a local community of faith is dependent upon our seeking God in prayer to lead and move among us.
Pastor Kevin continues exploring the biblical view of the church with a look at the fourth foundational value: To Impact Our Community and World. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are commissioned to move outside the walls of our church to impact our community and the world with the Gospel of Christ.
Pastor Kevin continues his look at foundational values in the local church with a focus on the third value: To Build Community. As a community of believers, we need to provide an atmosphere of love and acceptance where individuals can grow in their relationship with Christ.
Pastor Kevin looks at the second of five foundational values in the local church: To Equip Believers. One of the key purposes of the local church is to grow believers to maturity and equip them for effective service in the kingdom of God.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at our Christian roots as a nation, but reminds us of the true freedom their is in Jesus. On July 4th, we celebrate freedom as a nation, but only Jesus can give the true freedom our soul longs for.
Pastor Kevin continues his series on The Church with the first of five foundational values of the local church. The primary purpose for our existence is to glorify God.
Pastor Kevin picks up with his series on The Church by exploring our regular gathering together as believers and the expectations we should have. As a community of believers, we meet together on a regular basis to encourage and strengthen one another in Christ.