Pastor Kevin examines one of the major themes of Daniel as it parallels the book of Revelation. God controls all of human history to bring about His desired end. One day, the kingdoms of this world will be brought into subjection to the rule and reign of the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Pastor Kevin finishes his discussion of the messages to the churches in Revelation with a look at the Lord’s words to Laodicea. The challenge of this message is one of divine dependency vs. self-sufficiency. Are we self-satisfied and complacent toward the real issues of faith in Christ and discipleship? Are we claiming to be spiritually…
Pastor Kevin takes a look at the Lord’s message to the church at Philadelphia recorded in Revelation 3:7-13. Philadelphia was a church that may not have been significant in size or resources, but was faithful with what it had. The Lord promised to protect it in the midst of coming trial.
Pastor Kevin shares a message of challenge and encouragement for the New Year from Ephesians 1. As we enter 2024, may God open our spiritual eyes to see more of Him and the abundance of His grace given to us.
Each of the Elders of Harvest Community Church share a word of challenge and encouragement for the New Year.
Pastor Kevin shares a Christmas message about Jesus, the Light of the World. Jesus Christ came into the world to shine the radiance of God’s light into the utter darkness of our human condition. As a lead in to the message, a short video was played that can be viewed here:
Pastor Kevin shares about the theme of worship in the Christmas story. Throughout the Christmas story is a theme of praise and worship to God that should lift our hearts in recognition of the wonderful gift God has provided.
Pastor Kevin continues his series in Revelation with a look at the message to the church in Sardis. What is our spiritual condition? Are we thriving in the spiritual vitality of Christ’s presence, or are we living in the remembrance of the past while wasting away in the present?
Pastor Kevin looks at the Lord’s message to the church at Thyatira and the call for repentance among those who tolerated sin and false teaching within the church. Too often in today’s culture, the church is ambiguous and lax regarding sin. We must love those who are struggling with sin, willing to walk with them…
Pastor Kevin looks at the third church addressed by the Lord in Revelation: Pergamum. This was a church that was compromised from within. Are we compromising our life? Or, are we remaining faithful to the Lord’s moral and spiritual demands?