Vaushawn Johnson, director of Adult & Teen Challenge Northeast Wisconsin, gives an update on what God has been doing in that ministry since they opened the doors earlier this year.
Jarrod Bunyard shares a practical message, encouraging believers to Live with Expectation of Jesus’ Return.
Pastor Kevin closes his series in Revelation with an appeal to “love the Lord’s appearing.” As faithful followers of Christ, we should anticipate with eagerness the soon return of our Lord.
Pastor Kevin shares from Revelation 21 and 22 about the glories of what God has prepared for those who love Him. One day, all of creation will be made new and God will dwell with His people in unveiled glory.
At the end of days, all will appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Pastor Kevin takes a look at the significance of the end-time resurrection of our bodies and the implications of the final judgment before the Great White Throne of God.
Pastor Kevin looks at Revelation 20:1-10 and Jesus’ earthly reign. When Jesus returns, He will usher in a glorious age of peace on earth in which He will reign in perfect justice and righteousness. During the message, Pastor Kevin referenced a graphic to help visualize the various millennial views. That graphic may be accessed at…
Pastor Kevin takes a look at the return of Christ and the destruction of the opposing forces of evil depicted in Revelation 19. Though the nations of the earth join together to wage war against the people of God, Christ shall appear as a Warrior to utterly destroy the forces of evil.
Pastor Kevin looks at Revelation 19 and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb when the Church celebrates its being physically united with Christ at His coming. Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at Revelation 17 and 18 and the fall of Babylon. The godless world system that opposes Christ will one day crumble and those who depend upon it will crumble with it.
Pastor Kevin emphasizes the need for authentic biblical character. God has called us to authenticity and godly character. During this Father’s Day gathering, there is a particular challenge to men, but the principles are equally relevant to all.