Pastor Kevin begins a series in the letter of James. The letter of James challenges us to put our faith into action and to see difficulties in our lives as a means to bring about spiritual maturity and wholeness.
Pastor Kevin shares about the local church and its relevance in today’s world. The local church is the place where a community of God’s people, joined together by a common relationship in Jesus Christ, gather to encourage and strengthen one another in the Lord.
Pastor Kevin looks at 1 Peter 4:10-11 and the importance of each person’s contribution to the local body. Every follower of Jesus Christ is uniquely gifted to contribute to the spiritual well-being of the local body.
Pastor Kevin shares some practical implications of biblical Christianity taken from 1 Peter 4:1-9). Our identity with Christ has practical implications for this life and an assurance for eternity.
Vaushawn Johnson, director of Adult & Teen Challenge Northeast Wisconsin, gives an update on what God has been doing in that ministry since they opened the doors earlier this year.
Jarrod Bunyard shares a practical message, encouraging believers to Live with Expectation of Jesus’ Return.
Pastor Kevin closes his series in Revelation with an appeal to “love the Lord’s appearing.” As faithful followers of Christ, we should anticipate with eagerness the soon return of our Lord.
Pastor Kevin shares from Revelation 21 and 22 about the glories of what God has prepared for those who love Him. One day, all of creation will be made new and God will dwell with His people in unveiled glory.
At the end of days, all will appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Pastor Kevin takes a look at the significance of the end-time resurrection of our bodies and the implications of the final judgment before the Great White Throne of God.
Pastor Kevin looks at Revelation 20:1-10 and Jesus’ earthly reign. When Jesus returns, He will usher in a glorious age of peace on earth in which He will reign in perfect justice and righteousness. During the message, Pastor Kevin referenced a graphic to help visualize the various millennial views. That graphic may be accessed at…