Children of the Kingdom who thrive in their spiritual walk recognize the goodness of their Heavenly Father and persistently pursue Him.
Pastor Kevin continues his study of the Sermon on the Mount with a look at the passage that include the familiar phrase, “Judge not, lest you be judged.” Jesus taught that children of God’s Kingdom must reject self-righteous judgmentalism, humbly examining their own lives as they encourage others to grow in their own walk with…
When we, as children of the Kingdom, place rightful priority on God and His purposes, the anxiety and fears of this life fade away.
The values of God’s Kingdom move us away from temporal things that pass away and focus our attention on eternal treasures that last forever.
Pastor Kevin continues his study of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount with a look at the model prayer He gave His followers. The pattern for prayer that Jesus provided teaches us to approach God with a heart and mind that recognizes His nature and is genuinely aware of our dependence upon Him.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at authentic spirituality as he continues to explore Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. The basis for New Kingdom righteousness is not found in actions alone, but in the attitude of the heart. The authentic spirituality of God’s Kingdom is not motivated by public human perception, but by the secret pleasure…
Pastor Kevin takes a look at our Christian roots as a nation and challenges us to pray.
Pastor Kevin continues his study of Kingdom Principles as taught by Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount. The basis for New Kingdom righteousness is not found in actions alone, but in the attitude of the heart. The righteousness of God’s Kingdom is motivated by love over personal right.
Pastor Kevin continues the study of Kingdom Principles as taught by Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount. The basis for New Kingdom righteousness is not found in actions alone, but in the attitude of the heart. Righteousness in God’s Kingdom is characterized by integrity in both word and life.
Pastor Kevin continues his series on Kingdom Principles as taught by Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount. This morning, he explores what Jesus had to say about “The Sanctity of Marriage.” The basis for New Kingdom righteousness is not found in actions alone, but in the attitude of the heart. God established marriage to…