Pastor Kevin brings his study on the Sermon on the Mount to a close with some challenging words by Jesus recorded in Matthew 7:21-27. Not everyone who calls Jesus “Lord” with their lips are truly identified with Him in their hearts. Our obedience to the commands of Christ is evidence that we truly have a…
As Jesus nears the end of His Sermon on the Mount, He warns His followers of false teachers. As children of God’s Kingdom who desire to move on to maturity in Christ, we must be careful to discern God’s truth that brings life from its distortion that brings death.
Pastor Raja Wilson from the Andaman Islands shares a challenging message from the Old Testament life of Joseph.
The way of the Kingdom is not an easy, well-worn path chosen by many, but a narrow, less-worn path walked by those who are willing to submit to its demands.
Pastor Kevin explores the implications of the Golden Rule. The practical application of the Kingdom principles Jesus taught may be summarized in the command to treat others as we would like them to treat us.
Children of the Kingdom who thrive in their spiritual walk recognize the goodness of their Heavenly Father and persistently pursue Him.
Pastor Kevin continues his study of the Sermon on the Mount with a look at the passage that include the familiar phrase, “Judge not, lest you be judged.” Jesus taught that children of God’s Kingdom must reject self-righteous judgmentalism, humbly examining their own lives as they encourage others to grow in their own walk with…
When we, as children of the Kingdom, place rightful priority on God and His purposes, the anxiety and fears of this life fade away.
The values of God’s Kingdom move us away from temporal things that pass away and focus our attention on eternal treasures that last forever.
Pastor Kevin continues his study of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount with a look at the model prayer He gave His followers. The pattern for prayer that Jesus provided teaches us to approach God with a heart and mind that recognizes His nature and is genuinely aware of our dependence upon Him.