Pastor Kevin returns to his series on The Names of God. The LORD is our Righteousness Who offers us forgiveness of sin and right-standing with Himself through the sacrifice of His righteous Son, Jesus Christ.
God has given each believer specific gifts to fulfill a unique function within the local body of Christ.
Let us move into the new year with hearts that are ready to allow God to produce His fruit in our lives.
The wisdom of God, the fullness of His divine nature, and the fulfillment of His redemptive plan for humankind were all embodied in the meekness and simplicity of a promised child – Jesus.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at the name, “Jehovah Shalom” (“The LORD is Peace”). The LORD is our peace, Who has resolved the dissonance of sin and provides stability in the storms of life.
Pastor Kevin explores “The Lord Who Sanctifies.” Our God is holy and has called us to be set apart to reflect His holiness.
Pastor Kevin explores “The Lord Our Banner.” The LORD is our Banner under which we rally to find hope, deliverance, and purpose.
Pastor Kevin explores the name, Jehovah Rapha, “The Lord Our Healer.” Though the plague of sin has brought spiritual, physical, and emotional sickness, our God is a God Who heals.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at the name, “Jehovah Jireh” — “the Lord Our Provider.” The LORD is always faithful to “see to” and provide for the needs of those who put their trust in Him.
In the name YHVH, we see the infinite, exalted, holy God desiring to be known by His people.