Pastor Kevin continues his series in 1 Timothy. God intends for godly church leaders to watch over the body, to model a biblical lifestyle, and to guide others into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sarah Christensen and Shawnta Watkins from Frontline Harvest Ministry in Green Bay share their personal testimonies along with a report of what the Lord is doing through Frontline Harvest Ministry.
God created man and woman to be equal in nature and value, yet distinct in role and responsibility.
God’s heart for the whole world motivates us to pray diligently for people of all backgrounds and walks of life come to the knowledge of the truth.
The gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to radically transform a life that is wild and hostile toward God into one that gloriously responds to His leading.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at 1 Timothy 1:3-11. The goal of sound biblical truth is to produce love that flows from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.
Pastor Kevin begins a new series through Paul’s first letter to Timothy. The Apostle Paul’s first letter to Timothy challenges us to consider the importance of biblically sound belief and its appropriate application to our daily lives.
Pastor Kevin bring his series on The Names of God to a close. Our God is The LORD Who is There. His desire and promise is to manifest His Presence with His people.
The LORD is our Good Shepherd Who faithfully cares for, comforts, and protects His sheep.
Pastor Kevin returns to his series on The Names of God. The LORD is our Righteousness Who offers us forgiveness of sin and right-standing with Himself through the sacrifice of His righteous Son, Jesus Christ.