Pastor Kevin takes a look at Luke’s account of the road to Emmaus (Luke 24). God is in control, even when He may not make sense. Suggested worship songs: How Great is Our God (Chris Tomlin) Let it Rain (Michael W. Smith)
The resurrection of Jesus Christ declares the power of God to radically transform the lives of those who will submit to its influence. In preparation for the message, I would suggest having your Bible ready to look up the passages referenced and then listen to the first two songs below before the message. Save the…
Join us this Good Friday as we consider the sacrifice and death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. You can access the video or audio on our Sermon Audio page, or you can go directly to the video via the link below. The short meditation includes a time of communion together. In preparation for…
Pastor Kevin looks at Jesus’ path to the cross and our call to walk with Him “The Way of the Cross.” Each of us is called to follow Jesus in “The Way of the Cross” – a way of death, but also the way of victory and life. Study questions for message (also in .pdf…
Pastor Kevin explores Psalm 139. Study questions for message (also in .pdf format below): How does the reality of God’s intimate knowledge of me (Psa. 139:1-6) and His inescapable presence (Psa. 139:7-12) provide encouragement in the circumstances of life? Read Psa. 139:5. How does that image ensure me of God’s incredible security? At what point…
Pastor Kevin continues his series in 1 Timothy. God intends for godly church leaders to watch over the body, to model a biblical lifestyle, and to guide others into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sarah Christensen and Shawnta Watkins from Frontline Harvest Ministry in Green Bay share their personal testimonies along with a report of what the Lord is doing through Frontline Harvest Ministry.
God created man and woman to be equal in nature and value, yet distinct in role and responsibility.
God’s heart for the whole world motivates us to pray diligently for people of all backgrounds and walks of life come to the knowledge of the truth.
The gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to radically transform a life that is wild and hostile toward God into one that gloriously responds to His leading.