Pastor Kevin explores Psalm 103. This psalm is a wonderful example of worship rising from a heart that is overwhelmed with the mercy and goodness of God.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at history as God’s story. Our lives are mere brush strokes in the grand painting of God’s master design.
Jarrod Bunyard shares from James 2: “Do You Have Any Fruit?”
Pastor Kevin takes a look at 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and “Three Characteristics of a Thriving Christian.” A healthy, thriving Christian is marked by a deep inner joy supported by regular communication with God and thankfulness for what He has provided in Christ.
Pastor Kevin continues the series in 1 Thessalonians with a look at chapter 5, verses 12-15 and the Ministry of the Body. Though God has appointed leaders to oversee the local body, we are all called upon for mutual ministry to one another.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at “The Day of the Lord” and Paul’s admonition to live with anticipation of Christ’s return found in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. As authentic believers in Jesus Christ, we must live in active anticipation of our Lord’s coming and encourage others to do the same.
Pastor Kevin continues his series in 1 Thessalonians with a look at chapter 4, verses 13-18 and Paul’s encouragement for those who have lost believing loved ones. Pastor Kevin also takes a look at Pre and Post Tribulational Rapture views from a biblical perspective. Throughout the message, a number of graphic slides were used. The…
Pastor Kevin puts his series in 1 Thessalonians on hold as he shares 6 values that define Harvest CC. These are values that should define every Christ-follower, as well.
Randy Junion shares about every believer’s responsibility to share the love and grace of Jesus with those who have not yet received. About two thirds through the message, Randy introduces a music video by Jeremy Camp. The video can be viewed by clicking on the following link: Same Power (Jeremy Camp)
Pastor Kevin continues his series in 1 Thessalonians with a look at chapter 4, verses 9-12 and “The Love of Family.” As authentic Christ-followers, God intends for us to be connected as a true spiritual family, supporting and strengthening one another in love.