Prayer of Jabez (Raja)

Raja, from the Andaman Islands, shares a bit of his testimony and then opens up the word to encourage believers regarding prayer.  Raja uses the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9 as a framework for his message.

The Gospel of John: Seven “I AM” Statements – “I AM the Resurrection and the Life”

Pastor Kevin takes a look at Jesus’ claim in John 11:  “I AM the Resurrection and the Life.”  As the Resurrection and the Life, Jesus is the only way we can pass from spiritual death to eternal life.  In Christ, we can experience a spiritual resurrection from death to life.  The life we have in…

The Gospel of John: Seven “I AM” Statements – “I AM the Bread of Life”

Pastor Kevin begins a new sub-series in the Gospel of John looking at the seven “I AM” statements.  This first week, we look at Jesus’ self-identification as “The Bread of Life.”  Jesus’ disclosure of Himself as the Bread of Life speaks to the absolute essential nature of Christ for spiritual life and our eternity in…