Pastor Kevin looks at the last of seven I AM statements spoken by Jesus and recorded in the Gospel of John: “I AM the Vine.” As the Vine, Jesus is the source for spiritual nutrient. When we remain connected to Him, we produce fruit for the Kingdom. When we disconnect from Him, we wither and…
Pastor Kevin continues a look at Jesus’ I AM statements with a look at His declaration: “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.” As the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Jesus is the only means to a relationship with God. All who would come to God must come through Him.
Raja, from the Andaman Islands, shares a bit of his testimony and then opens up the word to encourage believers regarding prayer. Raja uses the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9 as a framework for his message.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at Jesus’ claim in John 11: “I AM the Resurrection and the Life.” As the Resurrection and the Life, Jesus is the only way we can pass from spiritual death to eternal life. In Christ, we can experience a spiritual resurrection from death to life. The life we have in…
Pastor Kevin explores Jesus’ statement: “I AM the Good Shepherd.” Jesus is the Good Shepherd Who cares for and even lays down His own life for the sheep.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at Jesus’ self-disclosure: “I AM the Door.” As the Door, Jesus is the only legitimate way into the sheepfold. Those who come by way of Him, find salvation, security, and provision.
This morning, Dr. Pat shares a ministry update for News Service 2000 and the status of numerous brothers and sisters in persecuted countries.
Pastor Kevin continues his study of Jesus’ seven I AM statements: “I AM the Light of the World.” As Light of the World, Jesus came to illuminate the darkness and bring the hope of salvation to everyone who will receive it.
Pastor Kevin begins a new sub-series in the Gospel of John looking at the seven “I AM” statements. This first week, we look at Jesus’ self-identification as “The Bread of Life.” Jesus’ disclosure of Himself as the Bread of Life speaks to the absolute essential nature of Christ for spiritual life and our eternity in…
Pastor Kevin continues his look at John’s account of Jesus’ ministry in the Samaritan town of Sychar. Jesus notes that the spiritual fields are white for harvest.” He calls us to an awareness of and an urgency toward the opportunities around us to influence others for His Kingdom.