Pastor Kevin briefly reflects on Palm Sunday and then goes on to share a message regarding “The Scandal of the Cross.” The scandal of the cross speaks to the seriousness of God’s costly grace and His call to surrender and obedience.
This morning, Pastor Kevin looks at Psalm 139. Wherever we go, whatever we experience, the Lord intimately knows who we are and surrounds us with His encouraging presence and grace.
Pastor Kevin shares from Psalm 8. What is it about us as human beings that makes us the object of God’s special attention? As human beings, we are unique and special in God’s eyes.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at Psalm 19. As we consider the splendor of God’s revelation in the world around us and His word in us, we are compelled to allow His splendor to be revealed through us.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at Psalm 40. Those who delight in the Lord and walk in His ways are lifted out of the pit of despair to find security and a new song of praise.
Pastor Kevin explores the nature and value of biblical laments in our prayer. Sometimes, when we’re facing severe situations in life, our appropriate response is crying out to God with the languishing of the soul.
Pastor Kevin finishes his series in the gospel of John with a look at Jesus’ prayer for His followers in John 17. As Jesus brought His final discourse with His disciples to a close, His desire for those who would follow Him was that they would remain spiritually vibrant and unified in their identity with…
Pastor Kevin returns to the Farewell Discourse in the gospel of John to explore Jesus’ concluding prayer recorded in John 17. As Jesus brought His final discourse with His disciples to a close, His deepest desire was that both His life and death would fully bring glory to His Heavenly Father.
Pastor Kevin tackles the question: “Can we trust our Bible?” Though it has been nearly 2000 years since the New Testament books were written, the translations we have available to us, today, accurately reflect the inspired words originally written. During the message, a couple of visual aids were used: 1 Timothy 3:16 Greek Text Bible…
Pastor Kevin shares the importance of moving on toward spiritual maturity. God desires that we mature in our relationship with Christ, becoming established in the truth and resistant to deception.