At the end of days, all will appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Pastor Kevin takes a look at the significance of the end-time resurrection of our bodies and the implications of the final judgment before the Great White Throne of God.
At the end of days, all will appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Pastor Kevin takes a look at the significance of the end-time resurrection of our bodies and the implications of the final judgment before the Great White Throne of God.
Pastor Kevin shares an Easter message about allowing the power and influence of Jesus’ resurrection to influence every aspect of our lives. We are called to live our lives in the light of Christ’s resurrection.
When Jesus was crucified it looked like all hope was gone, but the resurrection changed everything!
Pastor Kevin takes a look at Jesus’ claim in John 11: “I AM the Resurrection and the Life.” As the Resurrection and the Life, Jesus is the only way we can pass from spiritual death to eternal life. In Christ, we can experience a spiritual resurrection from death to life. The life we have in…
This morning, Pastor Kevin takes a look at the last of seven signs presented by John in his gospel: The Raising of Lazarus. This last sign is the climax of all the preliminary signs John gives to us and somewhat anticipates the greatest of all signs testifying to Jesus’ identity: His own resurrection from the…
Pastor Kevin takes a look at the last resurrection appearance of Jesus and His ascension. When Jesus physically departed from His disciples and ascended into heaven, He was elevated to a place of honor and glory from which He sent His Spirit and continues to minister on our behalf.
Pastor Kevin looks at Jesus’ appearance to His disciples on the shore of Galilee and the Lord’s special interaction with Peter. The level of our love for Christ is displayed in the level of our obedience to Him.
Pastor Kevin continues his study of the resurrection appearances of Jesus with a look at His encounter with Thomas (John 20:24-29). Thomas would not believe until he saw the resurrected Jesus himself. God delights in those whose faith rises above personal experience and circumstance.
Pastor Kevin continues to explore the resurrection appearances of Jesus with a look at John 20:19-22 / Luke 24:36-49. Jesus commissioned His followers to carry the torch of His earthly ministry to the entire world and promised to provide the means to do it.
This morning, Pastor Kevin takes a look at the resurrection appearance of Jesus on the road to Emmaus recorded in Luke 24. He uses this account to share some observations that illustrate a number of truths with direct application to our everyday lives.