Pastor Kevin looks at a fifty critical value for the local church: To Seek God in Prayer. Our effectiveness as a local community of faith is dependent upon our seeking God in prayer to lead and move among us.
Pastor Kevin looks at a fifty critical value for the local church: To Seek God in Prayer. Our effectiveness as a local community of faith is dependent upon our seeking God in prayer to lead and move among us.
Pastor Kevin explores the nature and value of biblical laments in our prayer. Sometimes, when we’re facing severe situations in life, our appropriate response is crying out to God with the languishing of the soul.
Raja, from the Andaman Islands, shares a bit of his testimony and then opens up the word to encourage believers regarding prayer. Raja uses the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9 as a framework for his message.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at Paul’s prayer for the Thessalonian Christians in 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12. Our heart’s desire should be that God would so work in us that our very lives reflect our relationship to Him and bring Him honor.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and “Three Characteristics of a Thriving Christian.” A healthy, thriving Christian is marked by a deep inner joy supported by regular communication with God and thankfulness for what He has provided in Christ.
As believers, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, we can live gracious lives of thankfulness and joy, always confident in the sovereign care of our Heavenly Father.
Pastor Kevin continues his series on “Peering Behind the Veil” with a further look at spiritual warfare and “The Heart of a Warrior.” The heart of a spiritual warrior is one that recognizes the seriousness of the conflict and is fully committed to engage the battle until the victory is realized.
God’s heart for the whole world motivates us to pray diligently for people of all backgrounds and walks of life come to the knowledge of the truth.
Pastor Kevin continues his study of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount with a look at the model prayer He gave His followers. The pattern for prayer that Jesus provided teaches us to approach God with a heart and mind that recognizes His nature and is genuinely aware of our dependence upon Him.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at our Christian roots as a nation and challenges us to pray.