Pastor Kevin begins a series in the letter of James. The letter of James challenges us to put our faith into action and to see difficulties in our lives as a means to bring about spiritual maturity and wholeness.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and “Three Characteristics of a Thriving Christian.” A healthy, thriving Christian is marked by a deep inner joy supported by regular communication with God and thankfulness for what He has provided in Christ.
As believers, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, we can live gracious lives of thankfulness and joy, always confident in the sovereign care of our Heavenly Father.
Joy is the natural disposition of a Christ-follower who recognizes the reality of his new life in Jesus. Why is it missing in the lives of so many Christ-followers? Pastor Kevin takes a look at the biblical idea of joy and how we as believers can allow it to be more evident in our lives.