As those who are personally identified with the living Christ, our lives should be marked by a conscious submission to God’s sovereign will and purpose.
As those who are personally identified with the living Christ, our lives should be marked by a conscious submission to God’s sovereign will and purpose.
Pastor Kevin continues the study of Revelation with a look at the last seal and the first six trumpets in chapters 8 & 9. God’s end-time temporal judgments on the earth are intended to demonstrate His supremacy and offer the rebellious an opportunity to repent.
Pastor Kevin continues his series in the book of Revelation with a look at the first six seals in chapter 6. The breaking of the seals of the scroll initiate preliminary judgments that precede the full inauguration of God’s purposes for final judgment and blessing. Toward the beginning of his message, Pastor Kevin references a…
Pastor Kevin continues his series in revelation with a look at John’s vision of the heavenly throne room. John experiences the infinite glory and majesty of God. The revelation of God’s glory and holiness forces us to recognize the limits of our own humanity and the holy otherness of God.
Pastor Kevin examines one of the major themes of Daniel as it parallels the book of Revelation. God controls all of human history to bring about His desired end. One day, the kingdoms of this world will be brought into subjection to the rule and reign of the King of kings and Lord of lords.
This morning, Pastor Kevin looks at Psalm 139. Wherever we go, whatever we experience, the Lord intimately knows who we are and surrounds us with His encouraging presence and grace.
Pastor Kevin finishes his series in the gospel of John with a look at Jesus’ prayer for His followers in John 17. As Jesus brought His final discourse with His disciples to a close, His desire for those who would follow Him was that they would remain spiritually vibrant and unified in their identity with…
Pastor Kevin begins a new sub-series in the Gospel of John looking at the seven “I AM” statements. This first week, we look at Jesus’ self-identification as “The Bread of Life.” Jesus’ disclosure of Himself as the Bread of Life speaks to the absolute essential nature of Christ for spiritual life and our eternity in…
This morning, Pastor Kevin takes a look at the resurrection appearance of Jesus on the road to Emmaus recorded in Luke 24. He uses this account to share some observations that illustrate a number of truths with direct application to our everyday lives.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at history as God’s story. Our lives are mere brush strokes in the grand painting of God’s master design.