As those who are personally identified with the living Christ, our lives should be marked by a conscious submission to God’s sovereign will and purpose.
As those who are personally identified with the living Christ, our lives should be marked by a conscious submission to God’s sovereign will and purpose.
God is a good Father who does not seek to harm His children, but gives us good gifts for our benefit and joy.
This morning, Pastor Kevin looks at Psalm 139. Wherever we go, whatever we experience, the Lord intimately knows who we are and surrounds us with His encouraging presence and grace.
Pastor Kevin explores Jesus’ statement: “I AM the Good Shepherd.” Jesus is the Good Shepherd Who cares for and even lays down His own life for the sheep.
Pastor Kevin looks at the fifth sign John provides in His gospel testifying to Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God: Jesus walking on the water (6:16-21). In this sign, we not only see Jesus’ identity, but also His compassion and care. Our security is found in keeping our eyes on Him.
Pastor Kevin returns to his series exploring the Seven Signs in John. This morning, he looks at the Feeding of the Five Thousand.
This morning, Pastor Kevin takes a look at the resurrection appearance of Jesus on the road to Emmaus recorded in Luke 24. He uses this account to share some observations that illustrate a number of truths with direct application to our everyday lives.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 with a particular focus on God’s faithfulness. As men and women who follow Christ, we honor the word of God and rest in the Lord’s faithfulness.
Pastor Kevin looks to the book of Habakkuk to find guidelines for dealing with the current cultural climate of injustice and ungodliness. Those who walk with God find hope and stability in their steadfast commitment to Him.
God desires to interrupt the mundane course of our natural lives to insert the contrasting conjunction of His divine plan and purpose. In and of ourselves, we are totally inadequate, but two words completely change the reality of the situation. The two words, “But God,” interrupt the flow of natural living to allow for the…