God yearns after us with a holy jealousy, calling us to singleness in our devotion to Him.
God yearns after us with a holy jealousy, calling us to singleness in our devotion to Him.
Pastor Kevin discusses the 144,000 in Revelation 7 and the servants of God who are sealed. Those who belong to God are protected from the wrath of His judgment on earth and insured of His reward in eternity.
Pastor Kevin continues his series in the book of Revelation with a look at the first six seals in chapter 6. The breaking of the seals of the scroll initiate preliminary judgments that precede the full inauguration of God’s purposes for final judgment and blessing. Toward the beginning of his message, Pastor Kevin references a…
Pastor Kevin takes a look at the Lord’s message to the church at Philadelphia recorded in Revelation 3:7-13. Philadelphia was a church that may not have been significant in size or resources, but was faithful with what it had. The Lord promised to protect it in the midst of coming trial.
Pastor Kevin looks at the Lord’s message to the church at Thyatira and the call for repentance among those who tolerated sin and false teaching within the church. Too often in today’s culture, the church is ambiguous and lax regarding sin. We must love those who are struggling with sin, willing to walk with them…
Pastor Kevin looks at the third church addressed by the Lord in Revelation: Pergamum. This was a church that was compromised from within. Are we compromising our life? Or, are we remaining faithful to the Lord’s moral and spiritual demands?
Pastor Kevin continues his series in Revelation with a look at the Lord’s message to the church at Smyrna. Are we steadfast in our faithfulness to Christ even in the midst of opposition? Do we have a martyr’s faith?
Pastor Kevin looks at the message to the church at Ephesus found in Revelation 2:1-7. The question this message forces us to face is, “Are we doing all the right things, but suffering in our personal relationship to Christ?” Sometimes, we can go though the motions, but be lacking in our passion and love for…
This morning, Pastor Kevin takes a look at the resurrection appearance of Jesus on the road to Emmaus recorded in Luke 24. He uses this account to share some observations that illustrate a number of truths with direct application to our everyday lives.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 with a particular focus on God’s faithfulness. As men and women who follow Christ, we honor the word of God and rest in the Lord’s faithfulness.