Jacob Gaddie challenges us from the life of Job. It is in the midst of trial that faith works out steadfastness.
Jacob Gaddie challenges us from the life of Job. It is in the midst of trial that faith works out steadfastness.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at finding joy in the midst of difficult circumstances. When we face the circumstances of life with a confident trust in God, the difficulties we face become tools to bring us to maturity and deepen our faith.
Pastor Kevin begins a series in the letter of James. The letter of James challenges us to put our faith into action and to see difficulties in our lives as a means to bring about spiritual maturity and wholeness.
Pastor Kevin looks at Revelation 13 with its reference to the two beasts. Satan raises up individuals and institutions to oppose God and His people. We must choose where our allegiance lies: with the Lamb, or with him who stands against the Lamb.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at the Lord’s message to the church at Philadelphia recorded in Revelation 3:7-13. Philadelphia was a church that may not have been significant in size or resources, but was faithful with what it had. The Lord promised to protect it in the midst of coming trial.
Pastor Kevin looks at the Lord’s message to the church at Thyatira and the call for repentance among those who tolerated sin and false teaching within the church. Too often in today’s culture, the church is ambiguous and lax regarding sin. We must love those who are struggling with sin, willing to walk with them…
Pastor Kevin continues his series in Revelation with a look at the Lord’s message to the church at Smyrna. Are we steadfast in our faithfulness to Christ even in the midst of opposition? Do we have a martyr’s faith?
Each of the Elders of Harvest Community Church share a few words of encouragement for the 2023 New Year.
Pastor Kevin continues in Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians with a look at the Apostle’s prayer for the church in chapter 2, verses 13-17. Having been loved and chosen by God for salvation, we must faithfully stand firm in the truth of the gospel.
Pastor Kevin begins a new series looking at Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians. This morning, he focuses on 1:3-4. Three signs of a healthy spiritual life are faith that is growing, love that is increasing, and consistency during the hard times.