Randy Junion shares from Colossians 2:1-10 the importance of establishing a firm foundation in Jesus Christ and becoming complete in Him.
Randy Junion shares from Colossians 2:1-10 the importance of establishing a firm foundation in Jesus Christ and becoming complete in Him.
Pastor Kevin picks up with the theme of knowing Christ introduced last week. The authentic Christ-following life is a continual process of growing in relationship to Jesus, knowing Him more fully and allowing His influence to change us.
Pastor Kevin shares from Philippians 3:1-11. All of the Christian life can be boiled down to one central aim: to know Christ and let the significance of His death and resurrection be modeled in our lives.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at some practical implications of our salvation coming out of Philippians 2:12-18. Our salvation is more than a simple decision of faith; it is authentic belief worked out in life.
As we think of Jesus’ celebrated arrival into Jerusalem, along with the subsequent passion week, the spotlight is clearly on the cross. Pastor Kevin takes a look at Christ’s suffering and death in light of Paul’s application in Philippians 2: 5-8. As Christ humbled Himself to the point of death on a cross, so we,…
Pastor Kevin continues his series in Paul’s letter to the Philippians with a look at chapter 2, verses 1-4. Paul sees encouragement and strength in the unity we share as a local body of Christ. For that reason, he stresses how important it is to maintain that unified relationship. We who have been brought together…
Pastor Kevin continues the series in Philippians with a look at chapter 1, verses 19-30. Paul encourages us to live in such a way that we would not compromise our testimony or bring shame to the cause of Christ. For a true Christ-follower, both life and death are all about Jesus Christ.
Pastor Kevin introduces a new series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. In this first message, he takes a look at verses 1-18 of the first chapter. As sincere Christ-followers, we are continuing to grow and become more like Jesus until we see Him face to face.
Pastor Kevin continues his series on the mission and purpose of Harvest with “A View Toward Community.” As a community of believers, we need to provide an atmosphere of love and acceptance where individuals can grow in their relationship with Christ. Near the end of the message, a music view was played that you can…
Pastor Kevin continues discussing the mission and purpose of the local church. One of the key purposes of the local church is to grow believers to maturity and equip them for effective service in the kingdom of God.