Jarrod Bunyard shares a message emphasizing our need to approach God with the simple faith of a child.
Jarrod Bunyard shares a message emphasizing our need to approach God with the simple faith of a child.
Jana Leach shares from her heart what God did in and through her as she went with a team from Highland Church (Waco, TX) to Uganda.
Pastor Kevin continues his series on Christianity in Culture with a look at the issue of sexual orientation and identity. God created mankind male and female, biologically determined at conception to complement one another in society by fulfilling God’s purpose, whether in marriage or in singleness.
Pastor Kevin continues the series “Christianity in Culture” with a biblical look at God’s design for human sexuality and intimacy. God established sexual intimacy to be the ultimate physical expression of the spiritual union between a man and a woman in marriage.
This morning, Pastor Kevin begins a new series called, “Christianity in Culture.” We will be looking at a number of hot button cultural topics from a biblical perspective. This first message takes a look at “truth.” God is the source of absolute truth and He reveals that truth to us in His Word.
Pastor Kevin bring his series on Philippians with a look at Paul’s closing words. We will be particularly focusing on what Paul has to say about finding contentment in all of life experiences. True contentment is found in the confident realization that Jesus Christ is more than sufficient to face any circumstance in life.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at Philippians 4:8-9. As citizens of heaven walking in relationship with the risen Christ, our thoughts need to dwell on godly things that feed the spirit and the mind.
As believers, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, we can live gracious lives of thankfulness and joy, always confident in the sovereign care of our Heavenly Father.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at the realm in which we find our identity as true followers of Jesus Christ. Though we, as believers in Jesus Christ, exist on this earth and are called to significantly interact with it, our true belonging is to the realm and motivations of heaven.
Pastor Kevin continues with his series in Philippians. While the source of Christian truth is found within the pages of Scripture, God has ordained for us to grow within the context of community by emulating those who are already modeling a biblical walk with Christ.