Pastor Kevin explores the implications of the Golden Rule. The practical application of the Kingdom principles Jesus taught may be summarized in the command to treat others as we would like them to treat us.
Pastor Kevin explores the implications of the Golden Rule. The practical application of the Kingdom principles Jesus taught may be summarized in the command to treat others as we would like them to treat us.
Children of the Kingdom who thrive in their spiritual walk recognize the goodness of their Heavenly Father and persistently pursue Him.
Pastor Kevin continues his study of the Sermon on the Mount with a look at the passage that include the familiar phrase, “Judge not, lest you be judged.” Jesus taught that children of God’s Kingdom must reject self-righteous judgmentalism, humbly examining their own lives as they encourage others to grow in their own walk with…
Pastor Kevin takes a look at our Christian roots as a nation and challenges us to pray.
In Christ Jesus, the legal claim of sin has been broken, so that we might fully transfer ownership to God, becoming slaves to righteousness.
Pastor Kevin shares an Easter message about the Resurrection Power that is at work through Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus Christ validates His sacrifice for sin and provides the POWER for real change in our lives.
Pastor Kevin shares from Isaiah 40: Those who trust in the Lord find renewed confidence and strength to face the situations of life.
Pastor Kevin finishes his series, “Christ’s Message to the Churches,” and attempts to bring it all together. What does Christ’s message to the churches tell us about the characteristics He desires for His followers?
Pastor Kevin explores Christ’s message to the church at Laodicea: Are you self-satisfied and complacent toward the real issues of faith in Christ and discipleship?
The Lord recognized that the Christ followers in Philadelphia had “little power,” but they were faithful with what they had. Are you faithful to Christ with whatever resources and influence you have?