God yearns after us with a holy jealousy, calling us to singleness in our devotion to Him.
God yearns after us with a holy jealousy, calling us to singleness in our devotion to Him.
The words that we speak have incredible power and reflect who we are.
A true faith that is alive and effective is a faith that demonstrates itself in actions.
Pastor Kevin returns to his series in James with a challenge to be a Doer of the Word. Authentic Christianity puts into action the truth that is received.
Pastor Kevin shares some practical implications of biblical Christianity taken from 1 Peter 4:1-9). Our identity with Christ has practical implications for this life and an assurance for eternity.
Jarrod Bunyard shares a practical message, encouraging believers to Live with Expectation of Jesus’ Return.
Pastor Kevin emphasizes the need for authentic biblical character. God has called us to authenticity and godly character. During this Father’s Day gathering, there is a particular challenge to men, but the principles are equally relevant to all.
Pastor Kevin finishes his discussion of the messages to the churches in Revelation with a look at the Lord’s words to Laodicea. The challenge of this message is one of divine dependency vs. self-sufficiency. Are we self-satisfied and complacent toward the real issues of faith in Christ and discipleship? Are we claiming to be spiritually…
Pastor Kevin shares a message of challenge and encouragement for the New Year from Ephesians 1. As we enter 2024, may God open our spiritual eyes to see more of Him and the abundance of His grace given to us.
Pastor Kevin continues his series in Revelation with a look at the message to the church in Sardis. What is our spiritual condition? Are we thriving in the spiritual vitality of Christ’s presence, or are we living in the remembrance of the past while wasting away in the present?