Pastor Kevin continues his series on the Church, taking a second week to explore God’s grace gifts to the Church. God has given each believer specific gifts to fulfill a unique function within the local body of Christ.
Pastor Kevin continues his series on the Church, taking a second week to explore God’s grace gifts to the Church. God has given each believer specific gifts to fulfill a unique function within the local body of Christ.
Pastor Kevin continues his series on “The Church” with a look at the grace gifts God has given to the church. God bestowed His grace upon the Church to equip it to fulfill the purpose He designed. This morning, Pastor Kevin makes several general observations regarding grace gifts and takes some time to examine the…
Pastor Kevin continues his series on The Church, looking at the critical nature of love within the body. Love is the fundamental element that validates every aspect of Body life.
Pastor Kevin explores the way God created the church to be a united whole made up of unique individuals with varying personalities and gifts. The Church is a spiritual organism made up of diverse members unified by Jesus Christ as their Head.
Pastor Kevin continues his series on the Church. The Church is empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim Christ and continue His ministry here on earth.
When Jesus was crucified it looked like all hope was gone, but the resurrection changed everything!
Pastor Kevin briefly reflects on Palm Sunday and then goes on to share a message regarding “The Scandal of the Cross.” The scandal of the cross speaks to the seriousness of God’s costly grace and His call to surrender and obedience.
This morning, Pastor Kevin looks at Psalm 139. Wherever we go, whatever we experience, the Lord intimately knows who we are and surrounds us with His encouraging presence and grace.
Pastor Kevin shares from Psalm 8. What is it about us as human beings that makes us the object of God’s special attention? As human beings, we are unique and special in God’s eyes.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at Psalm 19. As we consider the splendor of God’s revelation in the world around us and His word in us, we are compelled to allow His splendor to be revealed through us.