Sermons by Pastor Kevin Leach (Page 5)

Revelation: Excursus – The Teaching Of Jesus (Mat. 24)

Pastor Kevin looks at a critical passage for understanding Revelation and the unfolding of end-time events: Jesus’ Olivet Discourse found in Matthew 24 & 25.  As we wait for the coming return of Jesus, we are admonished to live with patient anticipation, always ready to greet Him when He appears. Near the middle of the…

Revelation: Message to Laodicea (3:14-22)

Pastor Kevin finishes his discussion of the messages to the churches in Revelation with a look at the Lord’s words to Laodicea.  The challenge of this message is one of divine dependency vs. self-sufficiency.  Are we self-satisfied and complacent toward the real issues of faith in Christ and discipleship? Are we claiming to be spiritually…