Pastor Kevin considers Matthews account of the Magi coming to visit the baby Jesus. As the wise men set out to find Jesus the King, so we who would call ourselves true Christ-followers must set out on a similar journey.
Pastor Kevin considers Matthews account of the Magi coming to visit the baby Jesus. As the wise men set out to find Jesus the King, so we who would call ourselves true Christ-followers must set out on a similar journey.
Pastor Kevin considers ‘The Gift Prepared.’ The birth of Jesus was a special Gift carefully prepared in advance by God.
During this Christmas season, Pastor Kevin wants us to consider God’s greatest gift to us: Jesus Christ and our redemption through Him. This morning, he explores The Gift Anticipated.
Pastor Kevin continues his series in the letter of James. We need to humbly allow God’s word to have its full effect in our lives, not only introducing us to salvation, but continuing to transform us until we meet Jesus in glory.
God is a good Father who does not seek to harm His children, but gives us good gifts for our benefit and joy.
Pastor Kevin continues his series in James. In Christ, we all share common ground, having been given equal value and status before God through His redemptive work. When we recognize this reality, we realize there is no place for prejudice or discrimination within the body of Christ.
Pastor Kevin challenges Christians to Allow Biblical Values to Shape Our Political Perspectives. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to be a moral voice in our culture, taking a stand for righteousness and seeking to inhibit the persistent progress of evil.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at finding joy in the midst of difficult circumstances. When we face the circumstances of life with a confident trust in God, the difficulties we face become tools to bring us to maturity and deepen our faith.
Pastor Kevin begins a series in the letter of James. The letter of James challenges us to put our faith into action and to see difficulties in our lives as a means to bring about spiritual maturity and wholeness.
Pastor Kevin shares about the local church and its relevance in today’s world. The local church is the place where a community of God’s people, joined together by a common relationship in Jesus Christ, gather to encourage and strengthen one another in the Lord.