Pastor Kevin begins a new series “peer behind the veil” to catch a glimpse of the spiritual realm from a biblical perspective. The physical world in which we live is a mere shadow of a greater reality in the spiritual realm.
Pastor Kevin begins a new series “peer behind the veil” to catch a glimpse of the spiritual realm from a biblical perspective. The physical world in which we live is a mere shadow of a greater reality in the spiritual realm.
Pastor Kevin shares a message that is particularly relevant for the circumstances that are surrounding our current society and culture. As the time gets closer to Christ’s return, we are called to enduring expectation in the midst of increasingly difficult opposition. Please note that due to technical difficulties with the video, this week’s message is…
God desires to interrupt the mundane course of our natural lives to insert the contrasting conjunction of His divine plan and purpose. In and of ourselves, we are totally inadequate, but two words completely change the reality of the situation. The two words, “But God,” interrupt the flow of natural living to allow for the…
The difference between Christian mediocrity and Christian vitality is the revelation of God’s Glory. As we seek God’s glory, we experience his power in our lives.
Continual filling with the Holy Spirit moves us from the realm of futile human effort to the domain of fruitful Christ-centered living.
A vibrant, God-honoring Christian life involves a passionate affection for Jesus Christ.
Pastor Kevin finishes his study of 1 Timothy by looking at chapter 6, verses 11-21. Faithfully walking a God-honoring, Christ-centered life is a struggle that requires discipline and commitment.
Pastor Kevin returns to his series in 1 Timothy by taking a look at 6:3-10 and the subject of contentment. True contentment is found by resting in the loving care of our Heavenly Father Who has demonstrated His faithfulness in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at what Psalm 119 teaches us about the nature of God’s Word and the priority it should have in our lives. God’s word illuminates the dark shadows of life and allows us to see the path that God has provided for us. Prior to the message, a music video was…
Pastor Kevin shares a Father’s Day message especially for fathers and men. As fathers, our highest calling and primary responsibility is to leave a godly legacy to our children. Note: Just before the message, a music video by Casting Crowns was played that can be viewed at the following link: Only Jesus