Sermons by Pastor Kevin Leach (Page 19)

Recognizing the Signs: A Call to Enduring Expectation

Pastor Kevin shares a message that is particularly relevant for the circumstances that are surrounding our current society and culture.  As the time gets closer to Christ’s return, we are called to enduring expectation in the midst of increasingly difficult opposition. Please note that due to technical difficulties with the video, this week’s message is…

But God

God desires to interrupt the mundane course of our natural lives to insert the contrasting conjunction of His divine plan and purpose. In and of ourselves, we are totally inadequate, but two words completely change the reality of the situation. The two words, “But God,” interrupt the flow of natural living to allow for the…

A Light for the Path

Pastor Kevin takes a look at what Psalm 119 teaches us about the nature of God’s Word and the priority it should have in our lives.  God’s word illuminates the dark shadows of life and allows us to see the path that God has provided for us. Prior to the message, a music video was…