Pastor Kevin continues his series in James with a look at chapter 5, verses 1-6. Material riches are a deceptive snare to those who seek to find security in them, but they are a blessing and a tool for those who submit them to God and His purposes.
Pastor Kevin continues his series in James with a look at chapter 5, verses 1-6. Material riches are a deceptive snare to those who seek to find security in them, but they are a blessing and a tool for those who submit them to God and His purposes.
As those who are personally identified with the living Christ, our lives should be marked by a conscious submission to God’s sovereign will and purpose.
Pastor Kevin continues his series in James with a look at chapter 4, verses 11-12. Our place among brothers and sisters within Christian community is not to critically tear down, but to challenge and encourage one another with the truth.
God yearns after us with a holy jealousy, calling us to singleness in our devotion to Him.
True wisdom is an understanding of God and His ways that is demonstrated by a lifestyle that reflects His holy nature.
The words that we speak have incredible power and reflect who we are.
A true faith that is alive and effective is a faith that demonstrates itself in actions.
Pastor Kevin returns to his series in James with a challenge to be a Doer of the Word. Authentic Christianity puts into action the truth that is received.
Pastor Kevin continues his series in the letter of James. We need to humbly allow God’s word to have its full effect in our lives, not only introducing us to salvation, but continuing to transform us until we meet Jesus in glory.
God is a good Father who does not seek to harm His children, but gives us good gifts for our benefit and joy.