Pastor Kevin considers Matthews account of the Magi coming to visit the baby Jesus. As the wise men set out to find Jesus the King, so we who would call ourselves true Christ-followers must set out on a similar journey.
Pastor Kevin considers Matthews account of the Magi coming to visit the baby Jesus. As the wise men set out to find Jesus the King, so we who would call ourselves true Christ-followers must set out on a similar journey.
Pastor Kevin shares a message around the events of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The events surrounding that first Palm Sunday challenge us with a number of contrasts between the natural tendencies of this world and the ways of God’s Kingdom.
Pastor Kevin looks at a critical passage for understanding Revelation and the unfolding of end-time events: Jesus’ Olivet Discourse found in Matthew 24 & 25. As we wait for the coming return of Jesus, we are admonished to live with patient anticipation, always ready to greet Him when He appears. Near the middle of the…
Pastor Kevin shares about the theme of worship in the Christmas story. Throughout the Christmas story is a theme of praise and worship to God that should lift our hearts in recognition of the wonderful gift God has provided.
God intends for us to be productive and fruitful, honoring Him with the resources He has provided us.
Pastor Kevin brings his series on The Church to a close with a practical consideration of church discipline and the importance of maintaining the moral integrity of the local body. As the body of Christ, called to purity and holiness, the church must take action against unrepentant sin in its midst.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at individuals in Jesus’ genealogy that might be considered “skeletons in His closet.” The genealogy of Christ testifies to God’s sovereign power to work His purpose through imperfect vessels.
Pastor Kevin takes a look at Jesus’ resurrection appearance to His followers on a hill in Galilee where He commissioned them to “Go and make disciples of all nations . . .” Each one of us has been commissioned both to be disciples ourselves and then to make disciples of others.
Pastor Kevin shares a message that is particularly relevant for the circumstances that are surrounding our current society and culture. As the time gets closer to Christ’s return, we are called to enduring expectation in the midst of increasingly difficult opposition. Please note that due to technical difficulties with the video, this week’s message is…
Pastor Kevin takes a look at the deception and control of fear. The power of fear is in its deception to turn our confidence away from what is sure to concern ourselves with attempting to prevent what may be. Suggested Worship: Whom Shall I Fear (Chris Tomlin) The Way (Pat Barrett) Questions for Further Thought:…